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Medical Tourism and the Press Release

Medical Tourism and the Press Release

What is a Press Release?

What is a Press Release?

The purpose of the press release today has not changed, as it is still aimed at offering information considered important, the target audience is not a bunch of journalists but the people themselves, the readers, those who are really interested about the information we send.

The press release is not a formal document anymore, but an article, a story which is targeting the public directly, without the need of the media.

Another  thing that differentiates the old PR from the new one, is the fact that now, thanks to technological advancements, it can include multimedia content (pictures, videos, etc).

Why Is a Press Release Important in Medical Tourism?

A press release can inform consumers about new clinics or the best ones in the world.

A press release can inform consumers about new clinics or the best ones in the world, the most effective treatments, partnerships between medical companies, where and who are the best doctors, where they can find affordable treatments, etc.

How to create Visual Story-telling?

A press release is basically an article with a certain format. To create an effective press release certain rules have to be followed:

1. Attract readers with an engaging title. Write the title for the people, make them want to read more, arise their curiosity, make them feel that they need to read this press release. Keep is simple, don’t be confusing, make it catchy and related to the content.

How to create Effective Visual Press Release?

2. The first paragraph includes the most important information. The first few sentences of the press release should include the information we want to send to the consumers (Who? What? Why?)and the rest of the content will only support this information.

3. Write something of real value. Writing about old news is useless. Write about something new, of real value, and also prompt people to take additional action by using links, CTA buttons, contact us button, etc. Links also provide access to more information.

4. Write in the third person. The press release is not about ‘I’ or ‘we’. It should be written from an objective point of view.

5. Use quotes. Add a human element to the press release by includes quotes from someone in the company or close to the product/treatment/clinic etc. Don’t quote people who are not available for interview.

6. Keep it within 500-800 words. A press release should be simple, written in the language of the audience. One page should be enough to present all the information you want to send to the consumer.

7. Don’t advertise. A press release can be promotional, but should not become an advertisement (e.g. choose us, buy from us, we are the best, etc.)

Write and be Creative!!

8. Use visual elements. Use pictures, videos, infographics related to the content. Show real people, life related pictures, emotional, credible, which invite the customer to take action. Make the PR more like a story with which people can identify.

9. Keywords. The title and the first paragraph should include the most important keywords.

10. Use numbers. Support the information of the press release with numbers, studies, data. This is how the press release will become more compelling.

11. No grammar mistakes. Proofread the press release several times and even ask somebody else to check it too. No grammar mistakes are allowed in a press release.

12. Contact information. Insert a phone number or email address in case someone wants to contact you or the person you have quoted.

13. Add links. If 500-800 words are not enough for you to say what you want to say, use links to send people

What is the strategy of an effective Visual Story Telling?

The strategy of an effective Press Release
  • Who? Who are the key players — your company, a medical provider involved with the product? Who does the PR affect/who benefits?
  • What? What is new?
  • Why? Why is this important news — what does it provide that is different?
  • Where? Where is this happening is the location of the business important?
  • When? What is the timing of this PR?

Types of press release:

  • Partnership press release – announcing the recent partnership with a company, clinic, hospital, centre, etc.
  • Educational/informative press release – inform readers and provide educational content which will be useful for them (e.g. when choosing healthcare abroad)
  • Product press release – announcing the release of a book, survey, study, etc.
  • Expert positioning press release – relies on a company report, includes statistics & data
  • Event press release – let people know about an event which will soon take place


Good press releases help companies be ‘visible’ to the customers. Press releases lets people know who the company is, what it does and why it is important for them, and so gain their trust. Thanks to the Internet it now takes seconds to distribute your PR and the more good PRs you have, the more your brand image improves. 



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