8008 E Arapahoe Ct #100 Centennial, CO 80112, US

Change! Is Medical Tourism a Wakeup Call for Transforming Your Medical Practice?


Change!  Is Medical Tourism a Wakeup Call for Transforming Your Medical Practice?



Globalization and the constant technology innovation are resulting in a continuous evolution of business environment.

Easily accessible information is resulting in unprecedented options for consumers while putting pressure on medical service providers to revolutionize their practice and adapt to ever changing environment.

Today, a medical practice must think how to compete in a very crowded and competitive marketplace. They are faced with business challenges such as:

  • Financial stability: ensuring long term financial viability, transforming practice, consistent growth
  • Customer loyalty: re-thinking patient engagement, winning new customers & retaining them
  • Competition: differentiating practice with uniqueness, setting apart from others
  • Knowledge: continuous learning new techniques, accessing new equipment/technologies

Medical tourism has been touted as the next big thing! There is a lot of noise, expectations, and myths. You have to consider issues such as:

  • Does medical tourism provide a solution to your financial vows?
  • Who are potential medical tourists in terms of age, economic and health status

  • Can medical tourism help you expand / diversify your customer base?
  • Will medical tourism help you in improving your competitive advantage?

The session will provide five critical points a medical practice must consider today in order to create a sustainable business practice domestically as well as globally. It will provide tools and techniques to compete in the new economy, such as:

  • Revenue modeling that can help generate more income and profitability
  • Customer acquisition and retention, creating better patient experience
  • Customer focused employees who are trained and productive while adapting to change
  • Business and clinical process management that are efficient and less expensive
  • Innovation to introduce new services, new revenue channels


With medical practices experiencing so much change they must learn to become comfortable with the change. The ability to manage and adapt to rapid change is difficult because of organizational structure, culture, and socio-economic challenges. The organizations that adapt quickest will create a competitive advantage, while the practices that refuse to change get left behind.

Mr. Pramod Goel Brief Overview

Mr. Pramod Goel is president and founder of PlacidWay, an internationally recognized industry leader in medical tourism.

Mr. Goel is the author of recently released book Evolution of Medical Tourism: from Cottage Industry to Corporate World.

PlacidWay is a U.S.-based medical tourism company with presence in over 40 countries worldwide, offering most comprehensive solution to over 500 medical providers globally, from India to Turkey to Mexico and Costa Rica.

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